
Grand Final

  • TH, as the Slovenian people, regrets not accepting Emperor Karl's offer in 1918 and remaining a part of Austria
  • Semifinals

  • This house believes that avoiding military conscription is always justified
  • Round 5

  • TH, as the Chinese Communist Party, regrets the Common prosperity policy
  • Round 4

  • THBT the feminist movement should campaign for the equal sexualization of men in the media as opposed to campaigning against the sexualization of women
  • Round 3

  • THP a world where the dominant religion believes in one benevolent god who is the Universe’s sole creator and surveyor (eg. Islam, Christianity), as opposed to a world where the dominant religion believes in many morally ambiguous spiritual entities (eg. Ancient Greek religion, European folklore).
  • Round 2

  • THS the use of on-demand referenda in recently established democracies
  • Round 1

  • This house regrets the popularization of gap year travel